2023 Rain Barrel Sale
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The Niagara Falls Water Board is partnering with the other municipalities that participate in the Western New York Stormwater Coalition to make rain barrels and compost bins available for sale. The goal is to encourage households to reduce their environmental footprint through water conservation and reducing fertilizer use. Thanks to a grant provided by the Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Niagara Falls households are eligible for a subsidy granting 75% off the price of rain barrels, with a final cost of just $12.50 per barrel. Barrel pickup will be at the Boulevard Mall parking lot at the southeast corner of Niagara Falls Boulevard and Maple Rd, Amherst, NY, on August 26 & 27 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. To purchase, visit https://erie.rainbarrelsale.com/.