
All positions at the Niagara Falls Water Board are governed by the New York State Civil Service Commission and the Taylor Law. Most positions are competitively filled based on a Civil Service Commission administered exam. Individuals should apply for these positions by downloading and completing the Civil Service Application.

Other positions at the Niagara Falls Water Board are classified as “labor” and “non-competitive” class for which no examination is required. Individuals can apply for these positions by downloading and completing the Non-Competitive Application. You may also use this application as a general employment application.

When there are job vacancies, the positions are listed on this page. The job title with the experience and qualification requirements as well as job descriptions can be found by selecting the link provided. Competitive benefit package includes health insurance, salary, paid leave and NYS Retirement. The NFWB is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified and interested candidates should submit an application from above, resume, cover letter and three references.

Once you have completed the application process, you may deliver it using any of the following options:

Please visit Indeed.com for all of our current openings: NFWB Current Job Openings

Civil Service Exams

The City of Niagara Falls Civil Service Department administers examinations to fill “competitive-class” positions with the Niagara Falls Water Board.

Each examination has specific minimum qualifications that must be met in order to take the exam.

  • As the exam fee is non-refundable, you are urged to file only for those exams for which you are clearly qualified.
  • The City of Niagara Falls does not maintain a file of transcripts or special licenses. Therefore, if a degree or special license is required, it must be submitted with the application.
  • Applications are available at Niagara Falls City Hall, 745 Main Street, Room 14. Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
  • Once complete, applications must be filed in person at Niagara Falls City Hall.

Upcoming Civil Service Examinations for NFWB Positions

  • No upcoming exams for NFWB positions currently available.